miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

Seeing time passing by

A bright sun dancing
A dove to see
A magical flower every morning
A perfectly rich fragance
Music entering my body
and low in my foot
A person hears to sing
A melody touch
In the middle of the sea
The wind that makes remember
The passing of time

By Fátima Chiminelle 5to 3era

1 comentario:

  1. I really like this poem because, "The time" is a point that we talk permanently in our everyday life, and what I like of this poem is that it expresses how the time passes, and how it passes so quickly!
    One of the phrases that I like is
    "The wind that makes remember
    The passing of time"
    It makes me feel, that the time is like the wind that blows so quickliy and is always in a rush and push everything that is on its way...

    It´s a great poem ! :)

    Ailén Porta - 5to 4ta
