miércoles, 20 de abril de 2011

The moon looking at the river

Full Moon on the River
Caressing the shore with its light
Cloudy staring in the mirror
Gliding soft murmur
Throughout the night
To hide in the mountains
Hoping to get back out

By Guido Ferrari 5to 3era

3 comentarios:

  1. Rocio Dugo 5to 3era25 de abril de 2011, 17:12

    I like this poem because he used beautiful metaphor, but I liked this phrase particulary "..Caressing the shore with its light.." it moves me to the image place and I can feel the peace of place!

  2. Ornella Nicodemo 5to 3ra8 de junio de 2011, 5:43

    Guido : I like the poem, the night it something that very few know about express, and you could do it, i love the pharse " stroking the shore with is light"

  3. micaela ottonelli 5to 3ra9 de junio de 2011, 15:44

    Guido your poem is inspiring for me since it expresses all the beauty of the night), i like very much the poem in its entirety, but particularly the phrase "Full Moon on the River
    Caressing the shore with its light".So beatiful!!!!
